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Ch House Of Softy Ragnar 1:a diplom i NW1!
Grattis Estelle och Ragnar! p>
Ch House Of Softy Washington 3:e diplom vilket innebär NW2 titel och uppflyttning till NW3 behållare!
Grattis Estelle och Helmer! p>
Ch House Of Softy Rania 2 x BOB and 1 x CACIB!!
Congratulations to Ulle Karisto! p>
Another great achivement for Iban, in the swedish wheaten club! p>
In cooperaion with Ilse Iban was shown in total at 7 shows which gave 7 best males and 6 times BOB-Iban is for sure a quality dog! p>
Chantelou Junior Vinnare-20, Fjordvinnare-22, Interra Winner 23, DTK Show Wheaten of the year 2023, DTK show 5th best all terriers 2023, Viking vinder 24, Bornholmvinder 24, Danish Winner 24, Danish Kennel Club Breed winner 2024! p>
House Of Softy Iban p>
In a very competitive class Magnus has been awarded 2nd place among all show males in UK in 2024! p>
Magnus has recieved so much positive critiques from all judges! p>
We are sincirly so happy for this placement and recognition of Magnus and his breed quality! Biggest thanks to Jane Charlton for everything-you made it! p>
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX p>
Judge: S. Plane, UK (48 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX BOS and his 12th CC! p>
Magnuss daughter was BOB with CC and Best Puppy! p>
House Of Softy Indi JJJ Res-CC! p>
Keeps rolling in....AKC Ch House Of Softy Thano!
Congratulations to owner Natalia and Guillermo!!
The year 2025 couldn-t have started any better;
House Of Softy Raaxa went BB, with CAC and BOS!
Raaxa is now Finish show champion!
Congratulations to Anna! p>
Skipper has had a wonderful show year in SouthAfrica and it's been honoured with an invitation to SUPA 7!
- multiple Puppy and Junior Group 1sts! p>
- A main Group 1st! p>
- Multiple Best Puppy in Show allbreeds and specialty Terrier shows! p>
- ending in the top 10 Terriers (#8, Kusa Showdog of the year)! p>
- achieved his Junior Merit (JM) title! p>
We are greatful to his owner Irma and Ryan Erasmus -Thank you!! p>
Judge: Rob Douma, NL (41 wheaten)
MultiCh House Of Softy Iban BOS, Nordic-CAC and Nordic Winner 24! p>
JCh House Of Softy Spader BOB Junior, 4th BM, Nordic-JCAC, Res-CAC and Nordic Junior Winner 24! p>
JCh House Of Softy Salsa BOS Junior, Nordic-JCAC and Nordic Junior Winner 24! p>
House Of Softy Breedersgroup 2 with honorsprice! p>
Judge: Y. Ladd-Cannon, IRL (55 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX BOB, CC (11th)! p>
Magnuss daughter was BOS with her 2nd CC!
Judge: E. J-Somers, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX BOB and Res-BIS! p>
Judge: E. Patterson, IRL
House Of Softy Raaxa Res-CAC p>
In an outstanding and superior way Idar has been awarded the DTK breed winner 2024! p>
Idar has recieved so much positive critiques from all judges and is all over a fantastic dog p>
And the top 6 placements speaks for it self! p>
DTK Show Wheaten of the year 2024! p>
House Of Softy Idar p>
In a superb way Iban has been awarded the DKK breed winner 2024! p>
Just another great achivement for this amazing dog! p>
Chantelou Junior Vinnare-20, Fjordvinnare-22, Interra Winner 23, DTK Show Wheaten of the year 2023, DTK show 5th best all terriers 2023, Viking vinder 24, Bornholmvinder 24, Danish Winner 24, Danish Kennel Club Breed winner 2024! p>
House Of Softy Iban p>
Judge: Rob Douma, NL
MultiCh House Of Softy Iban BOB and shortlised in BIS! p>
JCh House Of Softy Ragnar 2BM and CAC and new Danish Champion (TBC)! p>
JCh House Of Softy Rikka BOS and CAC! p>
Judge: P, Scanlon, IRL
House Of Softy Thano BOB and a 5-point MAJOR! p>
JCh House Of Softy Rania CAC and BOB! p>
Ch House Of Softy Washington NW2 klass TEM 2 en 6:e plats av 40 startande med diplom!
Grattis till Estelle!
Pic by Estelle P
Day 1, Judge: A. Palacin, ESP
JCh House Of Softy Spader JunCAC&CACIB, Res-CAC!
Multi Ch House Of Softy Iban CACIB, BOB and BIG4!
House Of Softy Salsa JunCAC&CACIB, CAC and BB2!
MultiCh House Of Softy Iza CACIB and BOS!
Day 2, Judge: C. Birk, DK
JCh House Of Softy Spader JunCAC&CACIB, CAC and BM3 and Danish Junior Winner 24!
Multi Ch House Of Softy Iban CACIB and BOB and Danish Winner 24!
House Of Softy Salsa JunCAC&CACIB, CAC and BB2 and Danish Junior Winner 24!
MultiCh House Of Softy Iza CACIB, BOS and Danish Winner 24!
Kennel House Of Softy BOB Breeders group both days!
TKC FCI Judge: Group: R. Paquette (Can), BIS: F. Clark (Ireland)
Jnr. Cacib, Rated Excellent, BOB, Jnr Group 1st, Reserve Junior in Show
TKC 1: R. Du Plooy (South Africa)
CC Dog, BOB, Terrier Junior Grp 1st, Terrier Main Grp 2nd
TKC 2: M. Croeser (South Africa)
CC Dog, BOB, Terrier Junior Grp 1st, Terrier Main Grp 2nd
Congratulations to Irma And Ryan Erasmus!
Day 1, Judge: M. Vikner-Stafberg, SE
Day 2, Judge: H. Hagen, NO
Ch House Of Softy Idar 2 X BOB and BIS2! p>
Judge: M. Jansen-Kalshoven, NL (18 wheatens)
Judge in BIS A. Buvik, NO
Multi Ch WW23 House Of Softy Iban BOB!
JWW24 Teaghlash Arequipe For HOS 2nd BM and CAC!
House Of Softy Salsa BOB Junior and shortlisted in Junior group!
MultiCh House Of Softy Iza BB3!
House Of Softy BOB breedersgoup and BIS1!
Day 1, Judge: J. Ohlsson, SE
JCh House Of Softy Spader JunCAC&CACIB, CAC and BOS!
Multi Ch House Of Softy Iban CACIB and BM2!
Ch House Of Softy Washington VetCACIB&CAC and BOS Veteran and BM4!
House Of Softy Salsa JunCAC&CACIB, Res-CAC and BB4!!
MultiCh House Of Softy Iza Res-CACIB and BB3!
Day 2, Judge: L. Zake, EST
JCh House Of Softy Spader JunCAC&CACIB, CAC and BOB and Copenhagen Junior Winner 24 and Copenhagen Winner 24!
Multi Ch House Of Softy Iban CACIB and BM2!
Ch House Of Softy Washington VetCACIB&CAC and BOS Veteran and BM3 and Copenhagen Veteran Winner 24!
House Of Softy Salsa JunCAC&CACIB Copenhagen Junior Winner 24 and new DKK Junior Champion!
MultiCh House Of Softy Iza CACIB, BOS and Copenhagen Winner 24!
JCh House Of Softy Rania 3 x LT CAC and 3 x Res-CACIB and Ronja will be Lithuanian Champion when she is 2 years! p>
Congratulations to owner Ulle Karisto! p>
Day 1, Judge: M. Salminen, FI
House Of Softy Spader BOB junior and BOB, CAC and BIS3 Junior! p>
House Of Softy Ragnar 2 x BOB Intermediate class, BM3, Res-CAC and BM4! p>
House Of Softy Washington BOB and BOS Veteran and BIS2 Veteran BM3! p>
House Of Softy Salsa BOS Junior and BB2 Res-CAC! p>
Ch House Of Softy Iza BB2 and BB3! p>
Kennel House Of Softy BOB Breedersgroup and BIS2! p>
House Of Softy Thano 2 x BOS and his first points to the championtitle has started p>
Owner and handler Natalia and Willie! All pics by Natalia p>
Judge: B. Lawrance, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus took BEST IN SHOW! p>
Handled by Jane Charlton! All pics by Jane p>
Judge: C. Muldoon, IRL
WW-23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Iban BOB Nordic CAC! p>
Handled by Ilse Lindblad! All pics by Ilse p>
Judge: G. Cox, IRL
Ch House Of Softy Indus took his 10th CAC! p>
Handled to perfection by Jane Charlton! All pics by Jane p>
Judge: L. Dunhill, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus took his 9th CAC! p>
Handled to perfection by Jane Charlton! All pics by Jane p>
Day 1, Judge: J. Kruczek, PL
Day 2, Judge: I. Sill, EST
WW-23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Iban 2 x BOB CACIB, Nordic CAC and BIG 2 and BIG1! p>
Handled to perfection by Ilse Lindblad! All pics by Ilse p>
Judge: J. Byrnes, IRL
JCh House Of Softy Rania BOB, CAC and Balter Terrier Winner 2024! p>
All pics by Ulle p>
Day 1, Judge: M. Lindborg, SE
Day 2, Judge: H. Kvivesen, NO
Day 3, Judge: J. O'Hanlon, IRL
WW-23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Iban 2 x BOB 2 x CACIB 1 NordCAC and new title Bornholmswinner 24! p>
Handled to perfection by Ilse Lindblad! All pics by Ilse p>
Judge: P. Pearson, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus took his 8th CAC and BOB! p>
Handled to perfection by Jane Charlton! All pics by Jane p>
Day 1, Judge: B. Kremser, SLO
Day 2, Judge: H. Quigg, IRL
Day 3, Judge: T. Heir, IRL
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOB and ClubCAC! Idar is now DTK Club Champion! p>
House Of Softy Spader 2 x BOB, 2nd BM, 3 x JunCAC&Jun ClubCAC and 3 x CAC and 2 x BIS2 Junior! Spader is now JunCh in DTK and DKK! p>
House Of Softy Salsa 2 x BOS, 2 x JunCAC&Jun ClubCAC and 2 x CAC! p>
Orion Club show, Judge: B. Espeland, NO
Western Gauteng Club show, Judge: H. Almgren, SE
Goldfields Club show, Judge: P. Nancarrow, SA
House Of Softy Skipper 3 x BOB and BOB Puppy, 2 x BIS Puppy, 1 x BIG1! p>
Judge: M. Östlund-Holmsten, SE
VWW24 Ch House Of Softy Vargas 3rd BM, BOS Veteran, Vet-CACIB and new Swedish Veteran Winner-24!
Ch House Of Softy Iza 2nd BB and CACIB!!
VWW24 Ch House Of Softy Valencia 3rd BB!
Judge: K. Gold, FI and S. Taggart IE
WW24 Ch House Of Softy Iban 2 x BOB Nordic CAC and CACIB!
Ch House Of Softy Iza 2 x BOS Nordic CAC and CACIB (CIB TBC)! p>
House Of Softy Ragnar Res-CAC!
Ch House Of Softy Washington VetNordic&CACIB and 4th best male!
House Of Softy Spader 2 x BOB puppy!
House Of Softy Thillie BOS Puppy!
Kennel House Of Softy BOB Breedersgroup!
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX CC dog! p>
Judge: G. Vernon, AUS and L. Wright, AUS
House Of Softy Skipper BOB Puppy, BOB, CC and BIG&BIG2 Puppy! p>
Judge: J. Dowdy, UK
House Of Softy Indi JaneyJimJams CC! p>
Ch House Of Softy Indus CC and BOB and shortlisted in group!
Judge: T. Edwards, SA
House Of Softy Skipper BOB Puppy, BOB, CC and BIS Puppy! p>
Ch House Of Softy Spader
3 x BOB Puppy! p>
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS
2 x 2nd best junior Res-junCAC and 2nd best male with CAC&JunCAC&CACIB and CRUFTS qualified!
Ch House Of Softy Idar
3rd best male, 2nd best male and BOB CACIB! p>
Ch House Of Softy Pandora
2nd BB ResNCAC, 2nd BB Res-CACIB (CACIB),3rd BB!
and House Of Softy Thillie BOS puppy first day!
Judge: B. Jenkins, SA
House Of Softy Skipper BOB Puppy, BOB, CC and BIS Puppy and BIS3! p>
Spring Winner Show;
Judge: K. Mustonen, FI, (11 wheatens)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Gaga BOS and Zagreb Winner!
JCh Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS JunCAC&CACIB, JBOS Junior and Spring Junior Winner!
JCh House Of Softy Rania JunCAC&CACIB, JBOB and Spring Junior Winner! p>
World Dog Show;
Judge: J. Walsh, IRL (38 wheatens)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Gaga CACIB, BOB and World Winner!
JCh Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS JunCAC&CACIB, JBOB and World Junior Winner!
JCh House Of Softy Rania JunCAC&CACIB, JBOS and World Junior Winner! p>
Croatian Winner Show;
Judge: M. Leonard, IRL (10 wheatens)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Gaga Res-CAC&CACIB!
JCh Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS JunCAC, JBOB, CAC BOS and Croatian Junior Winner and Croatian Winner and new Croatian Junior Champion!
JCh House Of Softy Rania JunCAC, CAC JBOS and Croatian Junior Winner and new Croatian Junior Champion! p>
Pic by Bev, Carlos, Tereza, Ulle
Judge: R. Jones, UK
House Of Softy Indi JaneyJimJams Reserve CC! p>
Day 1;
Judge: S. Frisk, SE, (11 wheatens)
JunCh House Of Softy Rikka JunCAC&ClubCAC, BOB Junior, Res-CAC and 3rd best bitch!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS JunCAC&ClubCAC, BOS Junior Res-CAC and 4th best male!
Ch House Of Softy Idar ClubCAC and 3rd best male! p>
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOB Veteran, VetCAC, 4th best bitch and BIS1 Veteran!
Pic by H. Nybohm
Day 2;
Judge: A,Nowak-Patyniak, PL (12 wheatens)
JunCh House Of Softy Rikka JunCAC&ClubCAC x2, BOS Junior, Res-CAC and 3rd best bitch, DTKJV24!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS JunCAC&ClubCAC x2, BOB Junior CAC and 2nd best male DTKJV24!
Ch House Of Softy Idar 3rd best male! p>
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS Veteran, VetCAC, and BOB, DTKVV24 and DTKV24!
Judge: D. Butt, UK, (88 wheatens)
House Of Softy Indi Janeyjimjams 2nd best bitch open class (14 bitches) with RBCC! p>
Ch House Of Softy Indus SCHX 3pl in Open class (13 dogs)!
Pic by C. Patrick
Day 1;
Judge: B. Espeland, NO, (12 wheatens)
JunCh Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty JunCAC&ClubCAC, BOS Junior and BOS and CAC!
Ch House Of Softy Idar 3rd best male! p>
House Of Softy Quinton Res-JunCAC, 4th best male and Res-CAC!
Pic by C. Ahlberg
Day 2;
Judge: A,Görbics (12 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOB and ClubCAC and shortlisted in BIS (1 of 6)! p>
JunCh Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty JunCAC&ClubCAC, BOS Junior and BOS and CAC! And New Club Junior Champion!
House Of Softy Quinton Res-JunCAC, 3rd best male and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Vargas is the show winner males in 2023 at the Swedish Softcoated Wheaten Terrier club for the 3rd time!
Shown in both champion and veteran class and several BIG placements! An outstanding performance overal year 2023 where is also won the major big titles, ie World dogshow and European dogshow, quality all through! p>
Judge: Louise Danchwardt Lillieström, SE
Puppyclass 4-6 months; p>
House Of Softy Salsa BOB and BIG4! p>
House Of Softy Spader BOS!!
House Of Softy Thillie 2nd place!
Judge: B. Sanches Garcia, ES (17 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOB and CACIB! p>
House Of Softy Quinton JunCAC&JunCACIB, 2nd best male and CAC! p>
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty JunCAC&JunCACIB, BOS and CAC!!
Judge: Alissa JW Bech, DK (13 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOB and ClubCAC! p>
House Of Softy Quinton JunCAC&ClubCAC, BOB Junior, 3rd best male and CAC! p>
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty JunCAC&ClubCAC, BOS Junior, 2nd best bitch and CAC!!
Helsinki Winner show;
Judge: J. Ruck, AU (35 wheatens)
JunCh House Of Softy Rania JunCert, BOB Junior and CERT and Helsinki Junior Winner HeJW23 ! p>
Congratulations to owner Ulle Karisto
Finnish Winner show;
Judge: K. Brown, DK, (39 wheatens)
JunCh House Of Softy Raaxa JunCert, JunCACIB, BOB Junior and CERT and Finnish Junior Winner FIJW23!
Congratulations to owner Anna Vähä-Herttua
Pic by Anna V-H, U Karisto
Judge: K. Muustonen, FI, (28 wheatens)
WV23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Iban BOB, Nordic CAC, SE V-23 and qualified for CRUFTS! p>
WVV23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas 4th best male, BOS Veterans SE VV-23 and qualified for CRUFTS! p>
House Of Softy Rikka BOB Junior, SE JV-23 and qualified for CRUFTS!
House Of Softy 2nd place with honorprice in Breedergroup!
Pic by B Rosenlund, Bea Örtberg
Ch House Of Softy Washington 75 poäng och ny titel RLD N!
Grattis till Estelle!
Pic by Estelle P
Chantelou Junior Vinnare-20, Fjordvinnare-22, Interra Winner 23
House Of Softy Iban is the breed winner 2023 in the Danish Terrier club!
An outstanding performance with 7 Best Of Breeds (BOB) and Iban was showed in 9 of the total 12 shows! p>
Day 1;
Judge: J. Madden, IRL, (9 wheatens)
WW23 Ch House Of Softy Iban best male and BOB and BIS2
JunCh House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB Junior, JunCAC and Best Bitch, CAC and BOS! p>
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB Puppy 6-9 months and BIS1 puppy!
Day 2;
Judge: x , x (11 wheatens)
JunCh House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB Junior, JunCAC and Best Bitch, CAC and BOS! p>
WW23 Ch House Of Softy Iban 2nd best male!
Pic by A Fothergill, S Hellsing
Ch House Of Softy Ajax TEM behållare klass 2 med första diplomet!!
Grattis till Boel Rosenlund!
Pic by B. Rosenlund
Judge: A. Ullfveit-Moe, NO, (9 wheatens)
House Of Softy Qizzie Junior EXC1, CQ, JunCAC, Res-CERT and 3rd best bitch!
Congratulations to owner Lillian B Pedersen!
Pic by L. B Pedersen
Dansk Vinnare show;
Judge: M. Sörum, DK, (15 wheatens)
JunCh House Of Softy Ragnar 2nd best male JunCert, JunCACIB and CERT and Danish Junior Winner23! p>
House Of Softy Rikka Best bitch, BOS, JunCert, JunCACIB and Cert and Danish Junior Winner23 and Danish Winner23!
International show;
Judge: G. Cox, IR, (13 wheatens)
VWW23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male and Res-CACIB!
JunCh House Of Softy Ragnar 3rd best male JunCert, JunCACIB and CERT! And new DKK Junior Champion!
House Of Softy Pandora 2nd best bitch with Cert and Res-CACIB! And now Pandora is Danish Champion!
House Of Softy Rikka 3rd best bitch, JunCert, JunCACIB and Res-Cert!
House Of Softy Raaxa;
2 x 3rd best bich Jun CAC&CACIB!
Congratulations to Anna Vähä-Herttua!
House Of Softy Quang Sparkling;
International KfT VDH&KfT V1 Jun CAC, and JgdCACIB!
Congratulations to Rebecca&Regina Lohner!
Judge: J. Horswell, UK, (28 wheatens)
VWW23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male, BOB Veteran and VetCACIB!
VWW23 MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas have a new title International Veteran Champion(TBC)!
Ch House Of Softy Idar 4th best male with Res-CACIB!
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty BOS Junior and JunCACIB!
House Of Softy Quang Sparkling 11 months old;
International KfT VDH&KfT Jun CAC, V1, BOB Junior,Herbstjugendsieger and JgdCACIB!
Congratulations to Rebecca&Regina Lohner!
Pic by Lohner
Judge: S. Knight, UK, (9 wheatens)
House Of Softy Qizzie Junior EXC1, CQ, CERT and BOS!
Congratulations to owner Lillian B Pedersen!
Pic by L. B Pedersen
Judge: S. Plane, UK, (48 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX RDCC (2nd best male)!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton for showing Magnus to his excellence!
Pic by J. Charlton
Judge: E. Nelsome
House Of Softy Olessia BOB and CACIB!
Congratulations to owner Eva Norbeck!
Pic by E. Norbeck
Judge: P. Eardly, UK, (88 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX Champion Class,Dog CC, best Opposite Sex, Best Progeny AND … RESERVE BEST IN SHOW!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton for showing Magnus to his excellence!
Pic by J. Charlton
Est&Lat&Lett JunCh House Of Softy Rania 2 x BOS!
Ronja is no also Baltic Jun Champion! Congratulations to owner Ulle Karisto!
Pic by A. Soikka
Judge: J. Kealy, IRL
EST JunCh House Of Softy Rania JunCAC and BOS!
EST JunCh House Of Softy Rania JunCAC and 2nd best bitch!
House Of Softy Quang Sparkling V1 Jgd CAC Jgd VDH Jgd BOB!
Danish Terrier club show;
Judge: P. Martin, IRL (17 wheatens)
WW23 Ch House Of Softy Iban BOB and shortlisted in BIS!
House Of Softy Ragnar 5th best male with JunCAC&DTKJunCAC, BOB Junior and CAC!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor 3rd best bitch with JunCAC&DTKJunCAC, BOB Junior and CAC!
Danish Terrier Club Winner show;
Judge: H. Stockmari, FI (15 wheatens)
WW23 Ch House Of Softy Iban BOB and shortlisted in BIS!
House Of Softy Ragnar 4th best male with JunCAC&2 x DTKJunCAC and CAC, BOS Junior and title DTKJV-23!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor 3rd best bitch with JunCAC&2 x DTKJunCAC and Res-CAC, BOB Junior and title DTKJV-23!
Both Ragnar and Rosy recieves the DTK Junior champion title today!
House Of Softy Olenka 4th best bitch!
Danish Terrier club show;
Judge: A. Imgram, IRL,(42 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX RCC!
House Of Softy Indi JJJ RCC!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton for showing Magnus and Indi!
Pic by J. Charlton
Judge: J. Kealy, IRL
Estonia&Lithuanian Junior Ch House Of Softy Rania BOB Junior, Jun CAC and BOS at 11 months age!
Congratulations to Ulle Karisto!
Pic by U. Kariston
Västsvenska Terrier klubb show;
Judge: C. Daniels, SE (35 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOB and BIS4!
MultiCh&WHouse Of Softy Vargas BOS Veteran and 3rd best male!
House Of Softy Quinton BOB Junior, 5th best male and CAC!
SWTK official show;
Judge: G. Dowdy, UK (35 wheatens)
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty BIS Junior, 2nd best bitch and CAC!
House Of Softy Quinton Res-BIS Junior!
NORDIC Viking Winner show;
Judge: M. Dalgaard, DK
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Iza Nordic CAC, BOS and Viking Winner-23 VV-23!
House Of Softy Rikka Jun CAC, 4th best bitch and Viking Junior Winner-23 VJV-23!
International Köpenhamnsvinnare show;
Judge: A. Tove-Strande, NO
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty JunCAC, JunCACIB, 4th best bitch and Köpenhamns junior vinnare-23 KBHJV-23 !
House Of Softy Quinton Res-CAC and 4th best male!
International Roskildevinnare show;
Judge: C. Salas-Melero, ES
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty JunCAC, JunCACIB, CRUFTS qual and Roskilde junior vinnare-23 ROJV-23 and CAC&BOS(!) and Roskilde Vinnare-23 ROV-23!
House Of Softy Quinton JunCAC, JunCACIB CRUFTS qual and Roskilde junior vinnare-23, Res-CAC and 3rd best male!
Pic by H. Nybom
House Of Softy Quang Sparkling 10 months old;
International KfT VDH&KfT Jun CAC, V1, BOB Junior, JunCACIC and BOS!
KfT VDH&KfT Jun CAC, V1, BOB Junior and BOS!
Congratulations to Regina Lohner!
Pic by Lohner
Estonia Junior Ch House Of Softy Rania BOB Junior, Jun CACIB, Jun CAC and now also Lithuanian Junior Ch and BOS at 10 months age!
Congratulations to Ulle Karisto!
Pic by U. Kariston
Judge: P. Cederlöf, SE, T. Grubbe, DK, A. Foss, NO (22+1 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB, BOB Veteran and BIS4 Veteran!
Ch House Of Softy Iban 2nd best male!
House Of Softy Quinton BOB Junior, 5th best male Res-CAC!
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty BOS Junior!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB Puppy 6-9 months!
Judge: B. Hanna, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX Best dog and CC!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by J. Charlton
Judge: M. Lindborg, SE och M Nilsson, SE
House Of Softy Qalba
2 x BOB Junior and 1 x Stor CERT and 2nd best bitch!
Best brace BIS and breeder special price award to House Of Softy!
Congratulations to Runhild Stenby!
Judge: J. Catlow, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus SHCEX BOB and BIS!
House Of Softy Indi BOS and Res-BIS!
Best brace BIS and breeder special price award to House Of Softy!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by J. Charlton
Judge: C. Dyna Rasmussen, DK (16+4 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB, BOB Veteran and BIS1 Veteran!
Ch House Of Softy Iban 3rd best male!
House Of Softy Ragnar BOS Junior, 4th best male with Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Rikka BOB Junior, CAC, best bitch BOS!
House Of Softy Olenka 3rd best bitch Res-CAC!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB Puppy 6-9 months and BIS4!
Kennel House Of Softy BOB Breedersgroup and BIS2!
House Of Softy Rania
2 x Jun-CAC, BOB Junior, Jun-CACIB and new Estonia Junior Champion!
Congratulations to owner Ulle!
Pic by Ulle K
House Of Softy Raaxa
Nordic: Jun-CAC, CAC, NORDIC CAC, BOB-junior and BOS!
International: Jun-CAC&CACIB, BOB-junior and Res-CAC!
Congratulations to owner Anna!
Pic by Anna V-H
Judge: G. Hagström, SE (23 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOS!
House Of Softy Ragnar 3rd best male with Res-CAC and BOB Junior!
House Of Softy Rikka 4th best female and Res-CAC in her show debute!
House Of Softy Vargas BOB Progency group!
Kennel House Of Softy BOB Breedersgroup!
Judge: S. Delmar, IRL, (41 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOB, CAC&CACIB and World Winner 23!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB Veteran, VetCAC and Veteran World Winner 23!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOS Veteran, VetCAC and Veteran World Winner 23!
Ch House Of Softy Gaga CAC,Res-CACIB, Res-World Winner 23!
Breeders class Kennel House Of Softy BOB and BIS2!
Couple class Vargas&Valencis BOB!
(TBC: Iban, Gaga, Vargas and Valencia new CH Champion)
Judge: K. Mustonen ,FI, (16 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOB, CAC and Interra Winner 23!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOS Veteran, VetCAC and Interra Veteran Winner 23!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOS, BOB Veteran VetCAC and Interra Veteran Winner 23!
Ch House Of Softy Iza Best female CAC and Interra Winner 23!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB Junior, JunCAC and Interra Junior Winner 23!
Breeders class Kennel House Of Softy BOB and BIS1!
Couple class Vargas&Valencis BOB and BIS3!
Judge: C. Stefanescu, RO (13 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Gaga CAC&CACIB!
Ch Congratulations to Dan&Carlos!
Judge: T. Nagrecha, UK
Ch House Of Softy Indus BOB and BIG1!
Ch Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by J. Charlton
Day 1 Judge: T. Pehar, CR, (18 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar 4th best male!
Day 2 Judge: O. Simon, CR, (22 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOS and Nordic CAC!
Day 3 Judge: O. Simon, CR, (18 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iza BOB and CACIB
Pic by L. Luthmann
Ch House Of Softy Washington completed his last ticket for the title NW1!
Congratulations to owner Estelle!
Pic by Estelle
Judge: B. Scheel, DK, (30 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOS, BOB Veteran and shortlisted in Veteran Group!
Ch House Of Softy Iban 2nd best male!
House Of Softy Pandora EXC1 CQ in Open class and 5th BB Res-CAC!
Prognency class House Of Softy 2nd with HP!
House Of Softy Ranya 2 x BOB and 1 x BIG3!
Congratualations to owner Margrathe Abildgaard!
Pic by Abildgaard
Judge: L. Lindborg, SE, (27 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOS!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd BM and BOB Veteran!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 2nd BB and BOS Veteran!
Ch House Of Softy Janda 4th BB!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB Puppy 4-6 Months and BIS3!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB Puppy 6-9 months and BIS2!
House Of Softy BOB Breederclass and BIS1!
Judge: J. Andersson, SE, (33 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOS&CACIB!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas VetCACIB, BOS Veteran!
House Oft Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB Puppy!
House Of Softy Indus best AVNSC terrier and Terrier group 1!
This qualifies Magnus for the title SHCEX (TBC)
Congratulations Jane Charlton!
Ch House Of Softy Janda SE UCH
Ch House Of Softy Vargas NO UCH
Ch House Of Softy Valencia NO UCH
Ch House Of Softy Iban NO UCH
Ch House Of Softy Iza NO UCH
Judge: G. Ford, UK (46 wheaten)
House Of Softy Indus CC and BOB!
Congratulations Jane Charlton!
Judge: C. Hasselgren, SE, (24 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas CAC, Vet CAC&CACIB, BOB Veteran, BOB and Jubileum Winner 2023 and Jubileum Veteran Winner 2023!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia CAC, Vet CAC&CACIB, BOS Veteran, BOS and Jubileum Winner 2023 and Jubileum Veteran Winner 2023!
Ch House Of Softy Iza CACIB and 2nd BB!
Ch House Of Softy Iban 3rd BM and Res-CACIB! (TBC CACIB)!
Judge: T. Stergulg Krusic, SLO, (25 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iza CAC, Nordic CAC, BOS and Nordic Winner 2023!
(TBC Iza is now Norweigan Show Champion)
Ch House Of Softy Iban 3rd BM!
Judge: K. Metteri-Gold, FI, (25 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban CAC, CACIB, BOB and Norweigan Winner 2023 and BIG4!
(TBC Iban is now Norweigan Show Champion)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd BM, Res-CAC, Vet CAC&CACIB, BOB Veteran and Norweigan Veteran Winner 2023!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 3rd BB, Vet CAC&CACIB, BOS Veteran and Norweigan Veteran Winner 2023!
House Of Softy Raaxa 3 x BOB puppy and 1 x BIS1 puppy!
Congratulations to owner&handler Anna!
Pic by Anna Vähä-Herrtua
Judge: M. Persson, IT, (15 wheaten)
DKUCH House Of Softy Janda BOS, CAC and now Swedish Champion (TBC)!
Ch House Of Softy Iban 2nd best male!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 3rd best male!
Judge: F. Cochetti, IT, (18 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB and Hammarhus Winner 23!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS and Hammarhus Winner 23!
House Of Softy Pepper 3rd best male and CAC!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB puppy 6-9 months!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB puppy 3-6 months!
Judge: W. Eikeseth, NO, (18 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS and Bornholm Winner 23!
House Of Softy Pepper 3rd best male, CAC and Res-CACIB (shall be a CACIB TBC)!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB puppy 6-9 months!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB puppy 3-6 months and BIS2 among ca 26 puppies!
Judge: M. Korosec, (15 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB and BIS4!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
House Of Softy Pepper 3rd best male and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB puppy 6-9 months and BIS2!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB puppy 3-6 months!
House Of Softy Vargas&Valencia BIS1 in Braceclass!
Judge: C. Dyna Rasmussen, DK, (14 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
House Of Softy Pepper 4th best male and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB puppy 6-9 months and BIS2!
Teaghlach Arequipe For HOS BOB puppy 3-6 months and BIS1!
House Of Softy Vargas&Valencia BIS2 in Braceclass!
Judge: J. Kealy, IRL (31 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB Veteran and Veteran Club Winner and VetCAC and now also European Club Veteran Champion! And BIS2 Veteran!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 3rd best bitch BOS Veteran and Veteran Club Winner and VetCAC and now also European Club Veteran Champion!
House Of Softy Rosanna To Kanidor BOB Puppy 3-6 months and BIS4!
House Of Softy Vargas&Valencia BIS2 in Braceclass!
Judge: P. Andersen NO (38 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male and BOS Veteran, VetCAC and VetCACIB and European Veteran Winner!
Bella (Ch H Ups We Did It) 2nd best bitch and Res CACIB (Res- European Winner)!
Ch House Of Softy Idar 3rd best male and Res-CACIB!
House Of Softy Rania (owner U. Kaaristo) BOS Puppy 3-6 months!
Pic of Idar by H Johnstone
Judge: I, Siil, EST (24 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB, BOB Veteran, VetCAC and VetCACIB and Agria Winner and Agria Veteran Winner!
Bella (Ch H Ups We Did It) BOS, CACIB and Agria Winner!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 2nd best bitch, BOS veteran, VetCAC, VetCACIB and Agria Veteran Winner!
House Of Softy Rania (owner U. Kaaristo) BOB Puppy 3-6 months!
Judge: T, Himmrich, DE, SE (27 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOS and Nordic CAC!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 4th best male and BOS Veteran!
LegallyBlond Matilda HOS BOB puppy 6-9 months!
Judge: H, Peterzens, SE (22 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOS!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 3rd best male and BOS Veteran!
LegallyBlond Matilda HOS BOB puppy 6-9 months and BIS4!
Pic by E. Stolt and L. Winde
House Of Softy Rania 2 x BOB Puppy and BIS4!
Congratulations to owner Ulle Kaaristo!
Pic by Kaaristo
House Of Softy Raaxa BOB Puppy!
Congratulations to owner Anna Vähä!
Pic by Anna Vähä
Judge: A, Ostrovski, PL, A, Korpetta, PL! BIS H, Peterzens, SE
Ch House Of Softy Iban 2 x BOB "x ClubCAC and new DTK Club Champion and on top of this also BIS3!
House Of Softy Olenka intermediate class 1place with CQ and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Rania BOB Puppy!
Congratulations to owner Ulle Kaaristo!
Pic by Kaaristo
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB, BOB Veteran, VCACIB, BIG3, BIS1 Veteran!
His daughter Fibich BOS!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: L-H, Wilberg, NO (35 wheaten)
Legally Blond Matilda Houseofsofty BOB Puppy and BIS4 puppy!
Ch House Of Softy Idar 3rd BM Res-CACIB!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas Veteranclass 2pl and 4th BM!
House Of Softy Madina 2nd Open class(11 entered) and 2nd Best Bitch Res-Cacib&CAC!
Thank you SWTK for the unique and personal prices for Best show male (Vargas), 2nd best show bitch and 3rd best breeder!! Prices where delivered and handed over by Sandra Träff!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, BOB Veteran and BIS3 Veteran!
His daughter Fibich BOB!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Bella (Ch Hopla Ups! We Did It) was BOS, CAC, Nordic CAC and Guldborg Sund Winner-23!
(After IM Febus x HOS Unni)
Bella is now also Danish show champion TBC!
Pic by Alice Dahl
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando 2 x BOS, VCACIB and Slovakian Winner&Victory Veteran Winner!!! And on top of that BIG1, BIS 1&3 amoung veterans!!
His daughter Fibich where 2x BOB!!
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
House Of Softy Rania 2 x BOB Puppy class!
Congratulations to owner Ulle Kaaristo!
Pic by Kaaristo
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BIS Hounor class!!
His daughter Fibich where BIS!
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: J, Withers, UK (85 wheaten)
House Of Softy Indus Res-CC (2nd best male)!
His progeny won; 2nd Puppy Dog, 1st Puppy Bitch. 2nd Puppy Bitch. 1st Junior Bitch. 2nd Junior Bitch. Best Puppy Bitch. Best Puppy in Breed and Reserve Bitch CC
What an achievement for Magnus and his progensy!!
Super congratulations to Jane Charlton for showing Magnus to his best!
Pic by Charlton
House Of Softy Indus 2 x BOB! And 1 x Terrier Group 4!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Judge: J, Kruczek, PL, M, Siroka (11 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban 3rd BM!
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOB and ClubCAC and shortlisted in BIS!
House Of Softy Olenka intermediate class 1place with CQ and BOS&CAC!
Pic by Linnea&Ilse
Judge: O, Hrabakova, CZ (10 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, BOB Veteran and BIS Veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
House Of Softy Indus BOB and Res-BIS!!
And his baby daughter Margot Keevasdream Ballerina Blue was awarded BOB Puppy and best Puppy in show!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by J Charlton
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Judge: G. Ehrenreich, A
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, V-CACIB, BOB veteran and BIS Veteran 3!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Judge: A. Livö Buvik, NO
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOB and Club CAC! Shortlisted in BIS!
House Of Softy Olenka 2nd best bitch Res-CAC!
Pic by H Nybom
Judge: G. Kostopoulos, GR
Ch House Of Softy Iban BOS and CACIB!
House Of Softy Olenka 3rd best bitch Res-CACIB!
Pic by H Nybom
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando 11 years BIS Veteran and Res-BIS Veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
House Of Softy Indus BOB and Terrier Group 2!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charlton
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando Top 3 Vetern all breeds!
2Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Ch House Of Softy Washington 100points-Full pott!
2a i totalen av 50 startande!
Grattis Estelle och Helmer!
Pic by Estelle
Judge: J. Liimatainen, FI/ G Flyckt-Pedersen, NO
Ch House Of Softy Iban
4th BM and Res-CACIB!
2nd BM!
Pic by I Lindblad
Judge: M. Jurek-Erenska, PL
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
House Of Softy Pepper 2nd best male CAC!
House Of Softy Pandora BOS, BOB Junior and JunCAC&CAC!
Judge: B. Brown-Cole, UK
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
House Of Softy Pepper 2nd best male CAC, BOB Junior and BIS2 Junior!
House Of Softy Pandora BOS and JunCAC&CAC!
Final show for the year for us and it couldn't ended much better:
Vargas become the best show wheaten and 2nd best terrier in Denmark!
Judge: M. Jurek-Erenska, PL
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando
2 x BOB and BOB Veteran and 1 x Res.BIS Veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Judge: L, Csaba Zsolt, RO (14 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Ajax 2nd best male with CAC!
This means Pysen is now also Swedish Show champion!
Super congratualtions to Boel, Knutte and Edit Roslund!!!
Pic by Boel Roslund
Judge: T, Himmrich, DE (19 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BOS and CACIB!
Ch Hopla Ups, We Did It 4th best bitch!
Judge: M, Nilsson, DE (16 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar 2nd best male and CACIB!
Ch Hopla Ups, We Did It 3rd best bitch Res Cert&CACIB (which will be a CACIB)!
Pic by Thomas Hagström
Judge: J, Ohlsson, SE and V-P Kumpumäki, FI (17 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando
BOB Veteran and BIS2 Veteran!
Club Veteran Winner, BOB Veteran and BIS Veteran!
Congratulations to team Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: K-E, Johansson, SE (40 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS& CACIB!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd BM and Res-CACIB!
House Of Softy Pepper EXC1 CQ Juniror class and 3rd BM and BOB Junior and JunCACIB!
Ch House Of Softy Janda EXC2 CQ open class and 5th BB!
House Of Softy BOB Breeders group!
Thanks to the Judge Karl-Erik Johansson!
Thanks to Agneta, Helene och Alice for supporting!
Judge: B. Hanney, UK (57 wheaten)
House Of Softy Indus took his first challenge certificate CC!
His daughter Margot BOB Puppies!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton and Carol Hughlock!
Pic by Charlton
Judge: G. Dowdy, UK
House Of Softy Indus BOB and BIG1 Terrier group!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Judge H. Kirsbichler, A, D. Smekal, CZ, J, Matyas, SK, R. Doedijns, NL,
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando
BOS, BOB Veteran and BIS3 Veteran!
BOB, BOB Veteran and BIS2 Veteran!
BOS and BOB Veteran!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: G. Dowdy, UK
House Of Softy Indus Reserve CC (his 6th)!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charlton
House Of Softy Frida is now new show champion in Sweden and Denmark!
Judge Mr.I. Csik , D, Mr.G. Ehrenreich, A, Dr.R. Schill,RO
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando 3 x BOS, Vet-CACIB and CAC!
Judge/BIS: M. Thorpe, IRL, T. Rohlin, DK and J. Partanen, FI
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2 x BOB & 2 x BIS!
House Of Softy Pepper 2 x 2nd best male, 2 x CAC 2 x ClubjuniorCAC& 2 x juniorCAC, 2 x BOB junior and BIS2 ! (Pepper is now Club junior champion and Danish Junior champion TBC)
House Of Softy Frida Best bitch, CAC and BOS! And this was her 3rd CAC in Denmark and is now new Danish show champion (TBC)! (and Swedish show champion title TBC)!
Pic by Joanna W& T Furubacka
Judge P. Pearson, UK
House Of Softy Indi Janeyjimjam Best bitch and her first CAC!
House Of Softy Indus Res-CAC!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charlton
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando
BOS, Best Veteran & BIS2 Veteran
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge/BIS: F. Kane, UK (22 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB&BIS4!
House Of Softy Pepper 2nd best male and CAC!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 2nd best bitch!
House Of Softy Pandora 4th best bitch and CAC and BOB Junior!
House of Softy Breedergroup BOB and BIS3!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando
2 x BOB& 1 x BOS!
BIG2, BIG 3 and BIS Veteran!
Veteran Danubius Winner-22, BundesVeteransieger and CIB Veteran Champion!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Judge: B. Foss, NO (21 wheaten) BIS Judge Jens Ruck, AT
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB&BIS3!
House Of Softy Pepper EXC1 CQ as the only one out of 4 juniors getting excellent! And 3rd best male with JunCAC&CAC!
(BOS was Lakkas Vista Bella whois Vargas daughter!)
Judge: D. Clark, UK
House Of Softy Indus BOB and BIG1!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charlton
Judge: K. Cechova, DK (22 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB&CACIB and Copenhagen Winner (KBHV-22)!
House Of Softy Pepper 2nd best male CAC, JunCAC, JunCACIB and Copenhagen Junior Winner(KBHJV)
House Of Softy Frida BOS, CAC&CACIB and Copenhagen Winner (KBHV-22)!
Judge: J. Smidoda, PL (12 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB, BOB Veteran and BIS 2!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: M. Siroka, SLO (33 wheaten)
House Of Softy Pepper BOS and CAC at 11 months age!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male!
Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 3rd best bitch!
House Of Softy breedersgroup BOB and BIS4 (11 groups)
Judge: G. Stursova, CZ
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB, BOB Veteran and BIS 3 Veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Ch House Of Softy Ajax har tagit sitt 11:e diplom i NW och erhållit titeln NW1!
Grattis Boel&Knutte!
Pic by Boel
Judge: R. Kubes, CZ
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB, BOB Veteran and BIS 3 Veteran and shortlisted BIG6!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: E. Patterson, AT (56 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male!
House Of Softy Pepper BOB Junior!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 2nd best bitch and BOS Champion!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Odessa 4th best bitch and BOS Veteran!
House Of Softy Pandora BOS Junior!
And from Ch HOS Casino and HOS Holly litter at Irishsunbeam the BIS Puppy! Congratulations to breeder Jessica Lilja!
Thank you judge Eddie Patterson and SWK Region Öst for this fantastic festival!
Judge: A. Szutkiewicz, PL
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, Best Veteran and BIS1 Veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: Z. Kubik, CZ
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS and Best Veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: C. Garhoefer, AT (22 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB and Nordic CAC! And Vargas was shortlisted in group 3!
House Of Softy Pepper BOB Junior!
House Of Softy Frida EXC1 CQ open class and BOS with CAC&Nordic CAC!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia 2nd best bitch Res-Nordic CAC!
House Of Softy Olenka EXC1 junior class and BOS Junior!
House Of Softy was also BOB Breeder group!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando 3 x Best Veteran, 2 x BOS, BOB and BIS4 Veteran!
Super congratulations to Subertovas!
Pic by Jakub Antos
Nordic show
Judge: H. Almgren, SE (23 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB and Nordic CAC! And Vargas was shortlisted (nb 5) in group 3!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS and Nordic CAC!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Odessa (10,5 years) 3rd best bitch!
House Of Softy Pepper BOB Junior and 3rd best male with CAC at 10 months age!
House Of Softy was also BOB Breeder group!
Thanks to Veronika, Jörgen Lundquist and Anne Möller for supporting our group!
Thanks to Rickard&Kristian for the pics!
Special thanks to judge Hans Almgren for his appreciation of our breeding!
Terrier club show
Judge: C. Pettersson, SE (18 wheaten)
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOS!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Odessa (10,5 years) 3rd best bitch!
House Of Softy Pepper BOS Junior and 4th best male with Res- CAC
House Of Softy was also BOB Breeder group and BIS3!
Thanks to Veronika and Anne Möller for supporting our group!
Thanks to Kristian for the pics!
Thanks to Judge Cindy Pettersson for her appreciation of our breeding!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, BOV and BIS3 Veteran!
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Judge: L. Cox, IRL (18 wheaten)
House Of Softy Frida EXC1, CQ and CAC and BOS!
Frida was the only bitch among 7 other bitches that got the CQ and she is also presented in her own natural wheaten color!
Judge: M. Thorpe, IRL (23 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB and BIG3!
House Of Softy Pepper Best Puppy!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 2:nd best female!
House Of Softy Frida 4th best female and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Liam did his debute and got Excellent!
House Of Softy BOB breeder group!
Thank you judge Maria Thorpe!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando 4 x BOB Veteran&1 x BOS and BIS Veteran 1 and 3!
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Pic by Martin Odraska
Judge: R. Kotler, HU
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS&BOV and Veteran Winner!
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Judge: D. Ericsson, SE (22 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar 2nd best male, CAC&RES-Nordic CAC and new Swedish Champion(TBC)!
Bella (Hopla Ups We Did It) 2nd best bitch CAC&RES-Nordic CAC and new Swedish Champion(TBC)!
House Of Softy Nixon did his show debute and was BOB Junior and 4th best male!
RSCE Show judge: T. Urek, SLO
Ch House Of Softy Gaga Res-CACIB!
Specialty Show judge: A. Sotoca Santos, ESP
Ch House Of Softy Gaga CAC&BOB!
World Dog Show judge: M. Forte, IE
Ch House Of Softy Gaga Res-CACIB and Res-WW-20
Ch House Of Softy Sibeal BOB Veteran and WVW-20!
Congratulations to Giulio and Dan&Carlos!
Thank you for showing our breeding-we are honoured!
Pic by Bozovic
Judge: Kay Aspin, UK
House Of Softy Indi 1st place Limited dog!
Congratulations to Jane Charleton!
Pic by Charleton
Judge: D. Smekal, CZ
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB&BOB Veteran and BIG1!
Congratulations to Petra Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: Carol Barnes-Davies, UK
House Of Softy Indus 1st place Limited dog and Res-CC!
Congratulations to Jane Charleton!
Pic by Charleton
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando
3 x BIS Veteran and Res BIS Veteran
2 x BIG1 Veteran
3 x BOS and 4 x BOB Veteran
Club Veteran Winner and Grand Prix Veteran Winner!
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge E. Nielsen, SE (13 wheaten)
SE UCH DK UCH House Of Softy Iban Nordic CAC and BOS and Fjord Winner-22!
House Of Softy Olenka did her show debute 10 months old (in heat!) by winning junior class EXC!
Judge C. Melin, DK (24 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas Nordic CAC& BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Iban BM2 Res- Nordic CAC!
Ch House Of Softy Iza CAC, Nordic CAC, BOS and new Swedish Champion!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Valencia BM2 Res-Nordic CAC!
House Of Softy Pepper BOB puppy 6-9
House Of Softy Pandora BOS puppy 6-9
Breedersgroup BOB
Progencyclass BOB
Judge T. Grubbe, DK (27 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Iban CAC and BOB and new Swedish Champion!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BM3!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
Ch House Of Softy Iza Res-CAC and BB3!
House Of Softy Pandora BOB puppy 6-9
House Of Softy Pepper BOS puppy 6-9
Breedersgroup BOB and BIS2! (Judge Dan Ericsson)
Progencyclass BOB
Judge Mr T Johnston, UK (34 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Idar BM2 and Res CAC
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BM4
Hopla Ups We Did It Again BB4 and CAC
House Of Softy Madina BB5 and Res-CAC
Pic by S. Träff&HOS
House Of Softy Maddox first tme in the showring with his owner Ivona;
3 x JBOB, BOB and BOS and now junior champion in Croatia!
Congratulations Ivona and Nikk!
Pic by Ivona
MultiCh&Winner House Of Softy Orlando BOB Veteran and BIS4 Veteran!
Congratulations Team Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
EW-22 CIB Multi Ch House Of Softy Gaga CAC&CACIB and BOS!
And new European Winner 22!
Congratulations Dan Bozovic and Carlos!
EW-21 CIB Ch House Of Softy Gaga CAC&CACIB and BOB!
And French Winner&French Champion!
Congratulations Dan Bozovic and Carlos!
Pic by Dan&Carlos
Judge Mrs P Lundberg, SE
Ch House Of Softy Idar BM3, Res CAC/CACIB
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BM4!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Valencia BB2, Res-CACIB
HOS Madina did her show debute with honors, 2nd in juniorclass!
Ch House Of Softy Idar Genomförd BPH med skott
Ch House Of Softy Iban Genomförd BPH med skott
Ch House Of Softy Janda Genomförd BPH med skott
Judge Mr B. Spoljaric
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB&BIG 3!
Victory Veteran Winner
Slovak veteran trophy winner
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge Mr B. Moles, UK
House Of Softy Indus Best dog and BIS!
House Of Softy Indi 1st place Limited dog!
Congratulations Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charlton
Både Ch HOS Washington (TEM Fordon) och Ch HOS Ajax (TEM Behållarsök) har tagit diplom i NW!
Grattis Boel&Estelle!
Pic by Estelle
Judge Mr B. Brown-Cole, UK
House Of Softy Indus 1 place Limited dog!
Congratulations Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charlton
Judge S Frisk, SE
House Of Softy Idar EXC1, CK Open class, CAC, CACIB and BOB!
Idar took his 3rd CAC and is now Danish Champion (TBC)!
Judge L D Csaba, HU and O Krcal, A
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS and BOB and x 2 best veteran!
Congratulations to Team Subertova!
Ch House Of Softy Ajax 1 place NW1 Hallstahammar!
Ch House Of Softy Washington NW1 100 points!
Congratulations Boel&Estelle!
Pic by Estelle&Boel
Judge C. Delmar, IR
Ch House Of Softy Gaga CAC and BOB and new European Winner 21!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando new Veteran European Winner 21!
Congratulations to Dan Bozovic and Team Subertova - what an amazing achievment!
Pic by Subertova&Bozovic
Judge C. Delmar, IR
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS and new Veteran Interra winner 21!
(Jacobs daughter Fibich BOB!)
Congratulations to team Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge Tim Ball
House Of Softy Indus BOB&BIG1!
House Of Softy Indi Res-BOB and shortlisted in Res-BIG!
Congratulations to Jane Charlton!
Pic by Charleton
Judge Ms Mary Jane Carberry
House Of Softy Ivana Winner Bitch and Best Of Winner 3 points!
Congratulations to Brenda Holiday Thompson!
Pic by Brenda
Ch House Of Softy Rowan and Ch House Of Softy Sibeal is now also Italian Veteran Champions!
Congratulations to Giulio Tieghi!
Judge Helge Kvivesen, NO
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB and BIS4!
House Of Softy Janda Open class EXC1, CAC, BOS and Danish Show Champion!
Ch House Of Softy Janda 2nd best bitch Club CAC x 2 Judge W. Wellens& E. Weijenborg-Weggemans NL.
Janda remains unbeaten prior her champion title and still is...
Pic by HOS and Ingrid Nilsson
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOS, Nordic CAC and Nordic Winner-21!
House Of Softy Iban 2nd BM CAC&CACIB and new Danish Champion!
House Of Softy Iza 2nd BB CAC and new Danish Champion (unbeaten in entered classes before she became champion)!
Ch House Of Softy Ajax took another diploma in Nosework 90 points and SSE (honour price)!
Super well done Boel and Pysen!
Pic by Boel
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando
BOB, BOV and BIS Veteran 1
BOS, BOV and BIS Veteran 2 and Club Veteran Winner
Congratulations to Team Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Ch House Of Softy Washington took another diploma in Nosework!
Super well done Estelle and Helmer!
Pic by Estelle
Ch House Of Softy Wilson LegallyBlond 4 x CAC&CACIB&BOB and new Slovenian Champion and Alpe Adria Winner!
Congratulations to Daniela Curati!
Pic by Curati
VWW-21 Multi W&Ch House Of Softy Orlando BOB, BIG1 and Veteran BIS3
Congratulations to Petra&Tereza Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: B. B Von Schedvin, SE, (11 wheaten)
House Of Softy Iban 2nd BM
Judge: M. Zakrevska, PL, (18 wheaten)
House Of Softy Iban 3rd BM
Judge: P. O'Brien, IRL, SE (26 wheaten)
Multi W&Ch House Of Softy Orlando Veteran World Winner 2021
Multi W&Ch House Of Softy Odessa Veteran World Winner 2021
Multi W&Ch House Of Softy Vargas CAC Res- World Winner 2021
House Of Softy Gaga CAC Res- World Winner 2021- and new Czech Champion - Super congratulations to owner Dan&Carlos!
And the daughter (Ch Flare Kni-York Z Trziste) from HOS Orlando took it all- BOB WW-21 Super congratulations to breeder Petra&Tereza!
And not only the winners...we also saw another 3 offsprings (Kni-York and Top Of Ben Nevis)from our kennel been shown with nice placements - it makes us even more proud to see them at these great events!
And a big thanks to Czech breeders and wheaten owners who provided extra gifts to everyone participated and made everyone feel welcome!
Pic by Subertova&Bozovic and Latte Smith
Den 15 augusti födde HOS Frida sina valpar!
Se mer här
Judge: J. Butkiene (25 wheaten)
House Of Softy Idar 2nd best male Res-CAC
Judge: A. Korozs, HU
House Of Softy Gaga V1 Opn class, CAC&CACIB and BOS!
Congratulations to Dan and Carlos!
Pic by Dan&Carlos Bozovic
Judge: B. Blidh Von Schedwin, SE (40 wheaten)
BOS Bella (Hopla Ops! We Did It) BB and CAC!
Ch House Of Softy Emilia 4th BB!
Judge: M Lindborg, SE (70 wheaten)
BIS Breeders group kennel House Of Softy
BIS Pair class with Vargas&Valencia
BIS Intermediate HOS Iban and 3rd best male
BIM Champion MultiCh&W HOS Valencia and 2nd best bitch
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male
Multi Ch&W HOS Odessa 2nd HP Veteran class
HOS Google Me 2nd HP in Open class
Ch HOS Ajax EXC Champion class
HOS Holly EXC in Open class
Thank you Lena Axelsson Larsson, Ebba Lindström, Linnea Luthman and Birgitta Edlund for help with handling!
Thanks to Cattis Andersson, Annika Jansson, Boel Roslund and Ebba Lindström for the pictures!
And a BIG thanks to region Öst for your hard work arranging this fantastic show!
Judge: J Poulova & Philip O'brien
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando 2 x BOB Veteran, BOS and BIS veteran 1!
Super congratulations to team Subertova again...!
Pic by Subertova & Bendle
Ch House Of Softy Ajax won 2 of 4 searches and his 1st diploma!
Well done Boel and Pysen!!
Pic by Boel
Ch House Of Softy Washington took his 3rd diploma no errors and 100 points and will advance to next level NW2!
Super well done Estelle and Helmer!
Pic by Estelle
Today we got the result of the hipdysplasia score and it's happy news;
HOS Iza- HD: B
Judge: M. Nilsson, SE
House Of Softy Idar Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Iban BIS Intermediate class!
Ch House Of Softy Washington 1 place!
Well done Estelle and Helmer!!
Pic by Estelle
Multi Ch&W House Of Orlando 2 x BOS, 2 x BOB Veteran and also BIG Veteran 2!
Pic by Jan Bendl
Day 1
Judge: J. Liimatainen, FI
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
Day 2
Judge: K. Metteri-Gold, FI
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB and Scandinavian Winner!
House Of Softy Janda EXC1 QC intermediate class, BOS&CAC and Scandinavian Winner!
Day 3
Judge: L. Heinesche, LB
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
House Of Softy Janda EXC1 QC intermediate class, BOS&CAC!
Judge: S. Munn, GB (34 wheatens)
House Of Softy Indus Post graduate 1pl, RCC (2nd best dog) and qualified for Crufts (lifetime)
House Of Softy Indi Post graduate 1pl and qualified for Crufts!
Pic by Charlton
Judge: M. Kuriata-Okarmus, PL
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS and BOB Veteran!
Pic by Subertova
Day 1
Judge: M. Johansson, SE and L. Lleton, DK(BIS)
House Of Softy Iban EXC1 QC intermediate class BOB&CAC&DTK Junior Champion and BIS2!
Day 2
Judge: L. Lleton, DK and M. Johansson, SE(BIS)
House Of Softy Iban EXC1 QC intermediate class, BOB&CAC&DTK Junior Champion and BIS2!
House Of Softy Frida 2nd best bitch with Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Washington klarade 3:e och sista doftprovet!
Grattis till duktiga matte Estelle!
Pic by Estelle Palmquist
House Of Softy Gaga CAC, CACIB and BOS!
Congratulations to team Bozovic!
Pic by Dan Bozovic
Den 7 maj födde Gloria 8 valpar (3 pojkar och 5 flickor)!
Se mer här
Den 6 april födde Emmis 6 valpar (3 pojkar och 3 flickor)!
Se mer här
Grattis till matte Anna Kullenberg och hennes Dobby (House Of Softy Ecco) till ett godkänt anlagsprov!
Pic by Anna Kullenberg
We have been awarded the Swedish Terrier Club Breeder Medal!
Thanks to the Swedish Wheaten Terrier Club for the nomination and the board of the Swedish Terrier Club for this highly appriciated award - we are proud and very greatful!
Vi har mottagit Svenska Terrier klubbens uppfödarmedalj!
Tack till Svenska Wheaten terrier klubben för nomineringen och till huvudstyrelsen i Svenska Terrier Klubben för denna mycket uppskattade utmärkelse - vi är stolta och mycket tacksamma!
Today we got the result of the hipdysplasia score and it's happy news;
HOS Idar- HD: B
HOS Iban- HD: A
HOS Holly- HD: B
Ch House Of Softy Ajax 1 place with 100 points and ready to start in NW 2 next time!
Congratulations to owner Boel och Knutte Rosenlund!
Pic by Boel
Judge: A. Kazemierski, PL
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, BOB Veteran and BIS4 Veteran!
Congratulations to team Subertova!
It's confirmed; HOS Emilia is now Danish and Swedish show Champion!
We congratulate House Of Softy Cinnia and Hasse Ehlert for the achivement Swedish Game Tracking Champion after her third 1 placement!
Good work Hasse! Congrats to Agneta&Yvonne as well!
Today we got the result of the hipdysplasia score and it's happy days;
HOS Gadissa- HD: B
HOS Havana- HD: B
Hopla Ups We Did it- HD: B
Judge: P. Cederlöf, SE (9 wheaten) Annette Bystrup, DK (BIS)
MultiCh House Of Softy Vargas BOB and BIS2!
House Of Softy Idar 2nd BM, Jun CAC and CAC and BOB Junior and new Club junior Champion and Danish Kennel Club Junior Champion!
MultiCh House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
House Of Softy Emilia 4th BB, next show will be in Champion class!
Hopla Zoya (after Ch HOS Vaganza) BOB Puppy class-Congrats to breeder Annette Christiansen!
Judge: S. E Björnes, DK (10 wheaten)
MultiCh House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
House Of Softy Idar 2nd BM, Jun CAC and CAC and BOB Junior!
MultiCh House Of Softy Valencia 3rd BB!
House Of Softy Emilia 4th BB and CAC and new Danish&Swedish Champion (TBC)
Hopla Zoya (after Ch HOS Vaganza) BOB Puppy class-Congrats to breeder Annette Christiansen!
Ch House Of Softy Washington 129 poäng (i regn) GODKÄNT!
Härligt kämpat Helmer med ägare Estelle!
Judge: J. Ruck, A & S. Dollman, A (7 wheaten)
MultiCh House Of Softy Orlando 2xVeteransieger, 2x Best Veteran, Veteran Bundessieger, BOB and BOS!
Judge: G. Hagström, SE (15 wheaten)
MultiCh House Of Softy Vargas BOB and Chantelou Winner-20!
MultiCh House Of Softy Valencia BOS and Chantelou Winner-20!
House Of Softy Iban JCAC&CAC, BOB Junior and 2nd BM and Chantelou Junior Winner-20!
HouseOf Softy Iza JCAC&CAC, BOS Junior and 2nd BF and Chantelou Junior Winner-20!
And Iza is also Danish Terrier Club Junior Champion; DTKJCH
Judge: M. Dalgaard, DK (15 wheaten)
MultiCh House Of Softy Vargas 2nd BM!
MultiCh House Of Softy Valencia 3rd BF!
House Of Softy Iban EXC2, Res-JCAC and 4th BM!
HouseOf Softy Iza BOS Junior JCAC&CAC and Danish Terrier Club Junior Winner-20!
Ch House Of Softy Ajax 100 points and diploma and second day outdoor search 75 points! In one of the search Pysen was placed nb 1 of 46 starting crews!
Congratulations to owner Boel och Knutte Rosenlund!
Ch House Of Softy Ajax 3rd place of 50 starting crews!!
Congratulations to owner Boel Rosenlund!
Pic by Boel
Judge: L. Frnco, CZ
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS&BOB Veteran
Congratulations to team Subertova!
Judge: M. Vaclavik, CZ& D-C. Laszlo, HU
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS&BOB Veteran and BIS2 Veteran!
Congratulations to team Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
1 augusti födde Zelda 4 pojkar och 3 flickor!
Alla valpar är reserverade.
On August 1 Zelda gave birth to 4 boys and 3 girls!
All puppies are reserved.
Se mer här Info
16 juli födde Asta 2 pojkar och 3 flickor!
Alla valpar är reserverade.
On July 16 Asta gave birth to 2 boys and 3 girls!
All puppies are reserved.
Se mer här Info
Judge: A. Krasilinikoff, DK
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Valencia BOS and BIS3 (BOS group)!
And House Of Softy Idar did his debute in the showring and ended up BOB junior CAC&CAC and 2nd best male!
A bit late but Sibeal is awarded best show wheaten terrier in San Marino 2019
Ch House Of Softy Sibeal
Congrats to owner Giulio Tieghi!
Judge: P. O'Brien, IRL (7 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando CCV and BOS!
Congrats to Subertova!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Vargas BOB & BIG1
See more/läs mer under Annual review
Ch House Of Softy Ajax 100 points -Congratulations Boel
Ch House Of Softy Washington 100 points -Congratulations Estelle
Judge: P. Seman& O. Hrabakova
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB&BIS
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: M, Dalgaard, DK
Ch House Of Softy Vargas 3rd best male
House Of Softy Havana EXC1, CQ from Junior class and 4th BB with Res-CAC!
Judge: J, Walsh, IRL
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB and BIS Veteran!
Congrats to Subertova!
Ch House Of Softy Sibeal CW, CAC and BOB!
Sibeal is now also Romanian champion!
Congrats to owner Giulio Tieghi!!
Judge: K-E, Johansson, SE
Ch House Of Softy Sibeal CAC!
Judge: L, Zake, LV
Ch House Of Softy Sibeal CAC&CACIB and BOS!
Congratulations to G. Thiegi!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS&Best veteran!
Congratulations to Subertova!
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BIS1!
Best terrier in CZ 2019!Congratulations to Subertova!
Judge: V, Ticha, CZ (9 wheaten)
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, BOB Veteran and BIS3 Veteran,
Congratulations to Subertova!
23 nov födde Zelda 6 valpar! Det finns valpar kvar att tinga!
Har ni ett intresse så ring eller skriv ett email.
On Nov 23 Zelda gave birth to 6 puppies!
If you have an interest in a puppy from this litter, send
an email
12 nov födde Bliss 7 valpar! Det finns valpar kvar att tinga!
Har ni ett intresse så ring eller skriv ett email.
On Nov 12 Bliss gave birth to 7 puppies!
If you have an interest in a puppy from this litter, send
an email
Happy to announce,
House Of Softy Dakota got HD: B
House Of Softy Frida got HD: A
House Of Softy Emilia got HD: A
Judge: G, Ehrenreicht, AU
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BIS Veteran, 3 x BOB Veteran and Veteran Champion SK!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Judge: G, Ehrenreicht, AU
Ch House Of Softy Sibeal CACIB&BOB!
New Champion San Marino and International Champion (TBC)
Congratulations to Guílio!
Judge: A, Schenaschenko. RU
House Of Softy Gaga CAC and BOB!
Son to Ch HOS Unix went BOS!
Congratulations to Carlos&Dan!
Judge: A, Auerbach, CZ and G. Stursova, CZ
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando 2x CAC, 2x CACIB and 2x BOS!
Congratulations to Subertova!
Day 2
Judge: C, Cardinal, BE (16 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Unix 2nb BM and achieved enough points to pass the leading dog and become show wheaten of the year in Danish Terrier Club!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 3rd BB and become 3rd best show wheaten in Danish Terrier club!
House Of Softy Emilia 2nd BB and CAC!
Congratulations to Annette Christensen BOB&BOS with 2 siblings after Ch House Of Softy Unni!!
Price cermony with Unix nb 1, Anne Skodborg nb 2 (also breed represent and price sponsor!) and Valencia nb 3!
Day 1
Judge: F, Siwert, DE (15 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Unix BOS!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 2nd best bitch and House Of Softy Emilia 4th best bitch Res-CAC!
Congratulations to Annette Christensen to 2 new DK champions after Ch House Of Softy Unni!!
Judge: H, Tonkson, EST
Ch House Of Softy Orlando CAC, BOB and BIS2!
Congratulations Subertova!
Pic by Subertova
Judge: G, Corish, GB
Ch House Of Softy Wilson LegallyBlonde CAC, CACIB and BOB! Wilson is now also International champion (TBC)
Complementi Daniela!
Judge: T, Skaar, SE (17 wheatens)
House Of Softy Emilia 4th best bitch and CAC!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas EXC1 champion class and 2nb best male!
Judge: A, Beare, IR (31 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas CACIB&BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 4th best bitch!
Judge: R, Kadite Skadina, M, Buratti, IT, L, Shek Hoo Matgo, TW
Ch House Of Softy Wilson Legallyblond Winner&CACIB&BOB x 3!
His son L.B Cornelius BOB Junior x 3!
Congrats to Daniela Curati!
Pic by Curati
Judge: M. Verstovsek, HR
Ch House Of Softy Orlando CAC, CACIB and BOS!
His daughter Fibich BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: M. Ostrovskaya, RU (7 wheatens) Asp judge K. Cechova, DK
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
Ch House Of Softy Unix BOB!
House Of Softy Gadissa 4th best bitch and Res-CAC!
Judge: P. H-Lehkonen, FI (10 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
Ch House Of Softy Unix 4th best male!
Judge: C. Birk, DK (16 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOB&CACIB and Copenhagen winner!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas 2nd BM, Res-CACIB!
House Of Softy Casino 3rd BM and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy Gadissa JunCAC and Junior Copenhagen Winner!
Judge: S. Bucko, CZ (11 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Orlando BOS!
His daughter Fibick BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: J. Andersson, SE (9 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
House Of Softy Emilia CAC&BOS!
Judge: K. Buss, DE, (12 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Unix BOB!
Judge: P. Martin, UK (22 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 2nd BB!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas 2nd BM!
Judge: L. Lleton, DK (16 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOS!
House Of Softy Casino open class EXC1, 3rd BM, CAC and Swedish&Danish champion (TBC)
House Of Softy Holly BOB puppy class 4-6 months
Judge: E. Nielsen, SE (32 wheatens)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOS!
House Of Softy Casino open class EXC1 and CAC!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 2nb best bitch!
Judge: D Smekal, CZ
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando CAC, National Winner and BOS!
His daughter Fibich won BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: HM Vaclavik, CZ
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando CAC, CACIB and BOS!
His daughter Fibich won BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: H. Almgren, SE (19 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas 3rd best male!
House Of Softy Estrella juniorclass EXC1 and Res-CAC!
House Of Softy breedergroup BOB!
Thanks to judge Hans Almgren!
Judge: P. Lundström, SE (54 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BIS!
HOS Havana and Holly did their show debute ended up 2nd resp 4th in puppy class.
House Of Softy breedergroup BIS!
Thanks to the judge Per Lundström for his lovely words especially about Vargas "- a male whos got it all in the right places"!
Judge: J. Börregard Madsen, DK (20 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOS!
House Of Softy Estrella juniorclass EXC1 and 3rd best bitch with Res-CAC!
House Of Softy breedergroup BOB and BIS 4!
Happy to announce, House Of Softy Casino got HD: B
Judge: C. Birk, DK (29 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia 2nd best bitch!
House Of Softy Gadissa BOB puppy!
Judge: A-L. Munkvall Rylander, SE (18 wheaten)
MultiCh&W Mother's Finest Abracadabra The Wizard Nordic CAC and BOB!
House Of Softy Emilia 4th best bitch
Congrats to Kreetz!
Judge: A. Grygarova, CZ
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, CAC and National Winner!
His daughter Fibich BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: A. Stasiak, PL
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando BOS, CAC and Speciality Winner!
His daughter Fibich BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: L. Salamon, PL
MultiCh&W House Of Softy Orlando CAC and BOS!
His daughter Fibich BOB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: N. Jovanovic, SR (45 wheaten)
Ch House Of Softy Vargas 2nd best male and Ch House Of Softy Valencia 3rd best bitch!
Judge: C. Vogels, US
House Of Softy Gadissa BIM puppy!
(BOB puppy is Eros, son after Ch HOS Wilson LB)
Judge: L. Villot, FR
Ch House Of Softy Wilson Legallyblond CAC&BOB and BIG!
Congrats to Curati!
Judge: J. Ruck, AT
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando Ch class EXC1, CAC and Res-CACIB!
Congrats to Subertova!
Multi Ch&W House Of Softy Orlando BOB, 2 x BOS, 3 x CACIB and 3 x CAC and Grand Prix Winner!
Congrats to Subertova!
Judge: G. Hagström, SE
Ch House Of Softy Vargas BOB!
Ch House Of Softy Valencia BOS!
House Of Softy Casino 2nd BB and CAC!
House Of Softy Cinnia 3rd BB and Res-CAC! Congrats to Agneta, Julia and Yvonne!
House Of Softy Frida in her debute, from Juniorclass EXC1 to 4th BB and Junior BOB!!
House Of Softy Ecco Junior BOS! Congrats to Anna!
HOS breeder group BOB!
Judge: G. Gladic, FI
Ch House Of Softy Vaganza VDH1, CACIB and BOS!
Congrats to Annette!
Judge: M. Möller-Siber, DE
Ch House Of Softy Unix 4th best male.
Judge: A Stasiak, PL